Part 1: Calibre DeDRM Plugin Will Remove DRM From?ġ. I would like to emphasize that please do not send the (DRM-Free) ebooks to anybody else. Note: This guide is provided for personal use only. and a few things that I would like to pass on here as tips while using Calibre DeDRM. Let's face it: Calibre plays 100% legal (although I am 100% certain that Amazon, Adobe and the like would really, really appreciate its disappearance from the surface of the earth), but the DeDRM plugin that can be obtained on GitHub and through various channels DOES provide a very, very useful tool for those of us (many I'm sure) who can't stand DRMs.Here in this guide, I’d like to show you all about Calibre DRM removal. I for one, when I buy a Kindle book on Amazon, rush to Calibre, make it fully convertible, DeDRM it and convert it to both EPub and Mobi, then I transfer the Mobi version to any Kindle I wish and plainly delete the AZW/KFX file altogether. So yes, I paid for the book, but no, I will not have its use limited to such or such platform or device because Jeff Bezos (or somebody else) says so (and don't ask me too hard whether I don't sometimes then, especially for books by now deceased authors, upload the EPub version to some, say, Russian site where others may stumble upon it and feel free to use it, that's something different). In the light of this, I now have to use quite a few contorsions in order to keep this running : not only use no later version of Kindle for PC than 1.24 (people used to say 1.17 because they said 1.19 already put an end to anything being done, but with both KFX Input and DeDRM plugins, it is - mostly - manageable with 1.24), BUT I ALSO have to keep away from any Calibre update version 5.0 or later, because DeDRM just won't work after version 4.23.Īnd frankly, I think this is going in the wrong direction. I have no idea what technical obstacles are in the way, but I am absolutely certain that leaving open at least the possibility to run the latest operational version of DeDRM with the latest operational version of Calibre would be a very good move.Ī bit late to the party, are we? As for the issues with the DeDRM plugin, 6.8.0 was written in Python2 and calibre 5 uses Python3 which means that DeDRM needs good chunks of the code rewritten before it will work with calibre 5. That work is in progress but it's going to take a while.

If nothing else, there are portions of the code that are not easy to follow much less re-write. I did download that file but unfortunately I don't know how to "make it work".Īnd I am using K4PC 1.29 with no problems to download books from Amazon and import to calibre.